The project, „ABE“ Acting for a Better Europe, aims to enhance the students European identity by: understanding and comparing the differences and similarities among their countries regarding their cultures, value systems, family lives, life styles, and the impact of the media on their lives.
Enlarging the European dimension and debate on the social realities of the different countries, definitely, will create the best conditions for a deper social inclusion.
Therefore, the students will develop an open mindset towards other cultures in a creative process. This includes mutual acceptance, tolerance, taking on responsibility, solidarity and mutual understanding.
These are elements fostering a renewed dialogue for the European democracy support. Theatrical performances in Italy will be part of the” Teatro lab 2.0 Festival” and will focus on the labs paths of personal growing and rediscovery of the other.
The stage will become place of comparison , of question and answers to give rise to new perspectives and opening new horizon
Communicating and working together in bilateral and multilateral exchanges enable the students to become aware of what they have in common and what separates them from each other.
The communication between teachers and students, who will participate in the project, will be facilitated by the use of the media: project website, Etwinning platform, facebook, Instangram The school communities involved will start comparing and discussing their findings in a creative process for example, theatre plays, sketches, video clips, music, dance, mime, pantomime, and short stories.
The performances are supposed to illustrate their creation of a common model of life as European citizens and encourage them to continue reflecting on living together in the European Community. Moreover the different activities will contribute to the consideration of the future of the European Union and the active practise of rights and duties of the European citizenship.
The results of the project will be disseminated both through the ETWINNING platform and with other forms of advertising from the publication of articles to events with the participation of stakeàholders